Workshop And conference

Name of the Workshop/ Seminar Number of Participants  Date    (From – To) Link to the Workshop/Seminar report on the website
1. “ Innovation and Start-up: Entrepreneurship Opportunity to Academicians” 106 24-Feb-23 Link to Report
2. Research Methodology in Ph.D. for beginners 100 28th Sept. 2022 Link to Report
3. Seminar “Research Methodology Using Innovative Techniques” 103 28-01-2023 Link to Report
4. Workshop on IPR with respect to How to fill Patent Application 36 4th March 2023 Link to Report
5. Skill development seminar on determination of adulterants in Food 92 13-14 Feb 2023 Link to Report
6. Workshop -one Day statelevel-on beneficial effects of radiation technology and Indian Nuclear energy programme 110 25-02-2023