Principal's Desk

Last year, the menace of the pandemic unsettled almost all sections of our society, including educational institutions. But this academic year, 2021–22, brought a breath of fresh air, wherein normalcy steadily returned to the college campus, and enabled us to start our classes regularly.

After resuming the class teaching, the first task was to give a constructive shape to the process of getting an autonomous status. In the meantime, the renovation of classroom 0.8 has been initiated by our college. It was the most cherished desire of all the stakeholders of our college to convert 0.8 classroom into an auditorium. 0.8 is a classroom known for its rich repository of memories of intellectual, cultural, and academic pursuits.

Completing the work of auditorium will certainly end the apologetic pleas for the lack of a legitimate space for pursuing academic and intellectual activities. In addition to this, the entire campus was enhanced by the installation of CCTV cameras. The surveillance network is aimed to give a reliable security system, ensuring the safety and harmony of students, teachers, and all non-teaching staff members.

This academic year’s most important initiative was to launch a complete refurbishment of our college building, which has stood steadily against the cyclical changes of all seasons for over eighty years. To effectuate a substantive revamp of our building, the management of our institute decided to go for a structural audit of the college building. A complete analysis of every structural frame of our college was done by the expert panel of engineers, who took appropriate measures to ensure that all our stakeholders are not put to incessant botheration on account of wreckages and leakages.

An educational institute is known to adopt not only the policy of equal treatment for all but also seeks to strengthen the spirit of equity and fair treatment for all sections of society. Kirti M. Doongursee College has always strived hard to seize the value perspective of epoch-making cultural history and turn over a new leaf out of every distressful circumstance of our lives. In tune with this ideal, our college successfully implemented the learn-and-earn scheme, for those students who find it difficult to attend regular classes, due to their economic or financial conditions. To overcome this, we encouraged them to take advantage of the Earn-and-Learn scheme. This year, several students especially coming from economically weaker sections availed the benefits of the Earn-and-Learn scheme and after completion of this activity, we distributed cheques immediately as remuneration.

The most noteworthy achievement of our institution this year was to administer the COVID-19 vaccine for our students. COVID vaccines were given to almost 1000 students of our college. In addition to this, a Cervical Cancer vaccine campaign in collaboration with Garjana Pratishthan was also organized exclusively for the female students.

At the outset, I congratulate the Magazine committee for their painstaking efforts. With a satisfactory note, I wish to present our annual AKALAN 2022 Magazine to all the well-wishers and stakeholders of Deccan Education Society.

Dr. Milind Jog
