Department of BAMMC began in 2004 as the BMM Department offering the course which was then known as Bachelor of Mass Media under the guidance of Mrs. Aarti Kolhe, the then BMM Co-ordinator, and Mrs. Neeraj Kumar as a full-time faculty with the Department. The latter took over as the BMM Co-ordinator in the year 2007 until her retirement in 2021. Dr. Mrs. Meenal Ambavane was appointed as the BAMMC Department Co-ordiator in the Academic Year 2021-2022. Under the guidance of these faculties, the BAMMC Department has seen elemental development and inception of Annual Department Events like Aarambh (2005), Konnect (2006), Colosseum (2007) and MOKSH (2010 to Present).

  • The programmes offered consider media industries and their relationship to culture and society, and the understanding of how communication works, and emphasise the development of critical thinking, professional writing skills and effective oral communication.
  • The majors offered prepare students for a wide variety of careers in business and industry, advertising, public relations and journalism, or advanced study.
  • The programmes will equip the learners with professional skills essential for making a career in the Entertainment industry, Cinema, Television, OTT Platforms, Social Media Platforms, Press, News Channels, etc.
  • Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass Communication
  • The 3-year UG course in BAMMC has been designed to train and equip students with the ability to research, study and creatively present information over different channels of media. Through the 3-year curriculum of BAMMC, students will be trained to communicate effectively through communication channels like television, radio, newspapers, internet and much more. Moreover, the curriculum will be unique across mass media colleges in India, where students will be able to uniquely instil qualities and expertise in different areas of media.
  • Certificate Course in Defence Journalism
  • This course offered by the BAMMC Department in affiliation with FINS (Forum for Integrated National Security) focuses on Programmes, Policies and Activities of the ministry and armed forces, and analyse the various angles of the stories, and to identify the subjects, formations and activities covered by journalist in peace and war times and analyse the levels of the disbursement of official press releases and information in other formats. The students will be trained in strategic thinking, journalistic skills, military history, media and military relations, and Nation’s war history over more than 30 learning hours.
  • Upcoming: Master of Arts in Communication and Journalism (starts from Academic Year 2023-2024)
  • This programme combines both theory and practical that will help students learn and practice the important tenets of communication and journalism. Students are introduced to Communication, Media and Journalism related courses. The learning will also involve practical approach in each subject so as to train the students with hands on experience in journalism. The course will culminate with dissertations that involve continuous evaluation of thesis through appropriate research methodologies.

For SYBAF Add on Course of TEL WIRC is being offered to the students for their overall skill enhancement.
For TYBAF Add on Course of Taxation and Stock Market to make the students precise on their investments and to know the Tax Provisions and Slabs.

Year/Semester Subjects
First Year
Semester I
Effective Communication – I
Foundation Course – I
Visual Communication
Fundamentals of Mass Communication
Current Affairs
History of Media
First Year
Semester II
Effective Communication – II
Foundation Course – II
Content Writing
Introduction to Advertising
Introduction to Journalism
Media, Gender & Culture
Second Year
Semester III
Electronic Media – I (Elective)
Motion Graphics & Visual Effects – I (Elective)
Corporate Communication and Public Relations
Media Studies
Introduction to Photography
Film Communication – I
Computers & Multimedia – I
Second Year
Semester IV
Electronic Media – II (Elective)
Motion Graphics & Visual Effects – II (Elective)
Writing and Editing for Media
Media Laws and Ethics
Mass Media Research
Film Communication – II
Computer & Multimedia – II
Third Year
Semester V (Advertising)
Advertising and Marketing Research
Brand Building
Agency Management
Consumer Behaviour
Documentary and Ad Film Making
Third Year
Semester VI (Advertising)
Digital Media
Advertising Design (Project)
Brand Management
Advertising and Sales Promotion
Rural Marketing and Advertising
Third Year
Semester V (Journalism)
Investigative Journalism
Business and Financial Journalism
Mobile Journalism and New Media
News Media Management
Journalism and Public Opinion
Third Year
Semester VI (Journalism)
Digital Media
Newspaper and Magazine Reporting (Project)
Contemporary Issues
Photo and Travel Journalism
Fake News and Fact Checking
Television Journalism

“Best College” Trophy at “Pixel 2021” at NG Acharya College and 1st Prizes for Poster Making as well as Film Making
BAMMC Department and Classroom Redecoration
Launch of “Certificate Course in Defence Journalism” in affiliation with FINS (Forum for Integration National Security)
Live Coverage of BAMMC Department Charitable Activity, “Secret Santa” by RJ Jeeturaj of 98.3 FM Radio Mirchi
Upcoming: MOKSH 2023

Mr. Prash Jagushte

Experience: 12 Years

  • Students from the BAMMC Department participated in INT Competition and the Q TV Ekankika Spardha with the College Theatre Group and won 1st Prizes in both for their play “Ukali”.
Akshay Kadam
Batch of 2017
Profile: Won ₹25 Lacs at KBC Marathi


Mrs. Meenal Ambavane

BAMMC Department Co-ordinator

18 Years in Computer Technology

Mrs. Aabha Shetty

 Assistant Professor

2 Years in Multimedia and Mass Communication


Mr. Shridhar Naik

 Visiting Faculty

14 Years in Journalism



Mr. Amit Chavan

 Visiting Faculty

11 Years in Film Making and Production

Ms. Neha Kulkarni

 Visiting Faculty

3 Years in Journalism

Mr. Neil Pete

 Visiting Faculty

12 Years in Journalism

Mrs. Payal Agarwal

 Visiting Faculty

 16 Years in Advertising

Mrs. Poonam Chindarkar

 Assistant Professor

 19 Years in Commerce and Advertising


Mr. Shridhar Naik

 Visiting Faculty

7 Years in Visual Effects and Motion Graphics